Unna Boot Bandages

REORDER # Bandage Size Product Type Qty/Case
3453 3" x 10yds Without Calamine 12
3454 4" x 10yds Without Calamine 12
3455 3" x 10yds With Calamine 12
3456 4" x 10yds With Calamine 12

Dynarex Unna Boot Bandage are made from non-raveling thread locked gauze to help prevent wound entanglement.




Dynarex Unna Boot Bandages are made with a unique knit construction containing a soothing zinc oxide paste formula. Ideal for managing venous stasis leg ulcers, thrombophlebitis, lymphatic edema, sprains, strains and dislocations.


  • Designed to help manage venous stasis leg ulcers, thrombophlebitis, lymphatic edema, sprains, strains, and dislocations
  • Soothing zinc oxide paste formula
  • Plain or with calamine
  • Enhances patient comfort
  • Individually foil-wrapped bandages
  • Unique knit construction allows for more uniform distribution of paste
  • Finished edges to minimize risk of fraying into wound site
  • Rolled on inner core for easier application



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