Braided (PGA) Sutures

REORDER # Size Needle Code Qty/Case
9130 Size 4-0 C6 12
9131 Size 5-0 C3 12
9132 Size 4-0 C3 12

Used to hold body tissues together after an injury or surgery. Application generally involves using a needle with an attached length of thread.




Dynarex Polypropylene Sutures are manufactured with non-absorbable monofilaments for a smooth passage. The polypropylene sutures offer high tensile strength, as well as exhibit maximum flexibility and consistent knot strength, making them suitable for longer-term closures. Dynarex Nylon Sutures are blue in color and packaged in sterile pouches.


  • A non-absorbable suture offering high tensile strength
  • Monofilament for a smooth passage through tissue
  • Maximum flexibility and consistent knot strength
  • Available in various thread thickness and needle dimensions to accommodate a variety of procedures
  • Sterile



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